- 3 lbs of Brussel Sprouts, stem removed and sliced in half
- 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 1 lb Beretta Bacon Bits
- 2 Tbsp Olive oil
- 4 sprigs of fresh Thyme, leaves only
- Sea salt and pepper
- 1 cup chopped almonds
In a large bowl combine Brussel sprouts, garlic and bacon bits and mix with olive oil. Then add thyme, almonds, salt and pepper, mix again to combine all the flavours. If needed add a bit more olive oil, to be sure all the Brussel sprouts are well coated! Place in a 375 degrees, pre-heated oven for 45 minutes. Stir after 20 minutes to make sure the drippings from the bacon coat all the Brussel Sprouts. It is done when all the edges of the Brussel sprouts and bacon bits are a bit crispy and the almonds are well roasted.
Buon Appetito,