We’ve compiled 8 of our best tips to make your turkey the moistest and tasty it can be! We hope you enjoy as much as our family does.
- Fresh is best - when it comes to cooking a moist turkey. This is due to the turkey’s cells being damaged by ice crystals during the freezing process. When thawing and roasting the bird the fluids will leak easily from the damaged cells, and produce a drier meat.
- 2 are always better than 1 – try picking up two small turkeys instead of one big one. Smaller turkeys cook more evenly than big ones, and they’ll cook quicker too! Fun Fact: Our Beretta birds are significantly leaner due to their ability to run and roam on pasture. Keep in mind when cooking them that they cook quicker than other turkeys, needing about 15 mins per pound.
- Brining your turkey – A good brine can bring your turkey’s flavor to the next level. Salt attracts water; therefore soaking your turkey in a salt water brine will hold the moisture in the cells of the bird. You can add herbs, spices and citrus to the brine for more flavor. Bonus tip: Use sea salt instead of table salt as it has a higher mineral content, has less additives and hasn’t been as processed.
- Rub your turkey down – With butter and herbs. For those of you who may be dairy free, try coconut oil instead! Simply mix your butter or oil with your herbs of choice and rub under the skin of your bird. This will baste the turkey as it cooks and add wonderful flavor.
- To truss, or not to truss? – The choice is yours, though anything in between can jeopardize your prized bird’s wow factor. This is due to longer roasting times, and the breast being in jeopardy of being overcooked.
- Roast upside down first – By cooking the turkey on a V-rack on its top first will allow it to baste itself. Keep it there for about an hr., and once you flip it, the roasting marks will disappear before it’s finished.
- Mind the time – You’re aiming for 170F, so insert a probe-style or instant read thermometer in the thickest part of the bird (mind the bone), and keep an eye on it.
- The obvious but oh-so-important – Let your turkey rest. Give it about the time it takes to make your gravy to just sit and rest. This will allow the juices that have been concentrated in the center of the bird to redistribute and make for moister slices.
Follow these tips, and rest assured you will have a tasty, moist, and brag-worthy bird to serve your family this Christmas.